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Volume 23, Issue 2

Keeping in Touch

The Official Newsletter for IASNR Members

Notes from the Executive Officers

It has been another exciting year of change and adaptation for IASNR.  We have advanced the internationalization of IASNR on several fronts – through the international travel awards, the discounted membership and registration fees for those from low-to-middle-income countries, and the implementation of a hybrid conference for 2024 in Cairns allowing for a dedicated space for both in-person and online presentation sessions.

2nd Conference of the European Chapter of IASNR – Call for Organized Sessions and Individual Abstracts

The European Chapter of IASNR is now inviting colleagues across Europe to submit proposals for organized
sessions and/or individual abstracts for the second conference of the European Chapter of IASNR at
Wageningen University & Research, 20-23 March 2024. For more details, please see below.

Updates from Society & Natural Resources


The 2023 calendar year (Volume 36 of the journal), is the third full year of Kristin Floress’ and Emily S. Huff’s appointment as Editors-in-Chief. To date, issues 1-11 have been published online. Issue 12 will be published in the first half of December 2023. The printed journal for the last quarter mailing of Volume 36 will be mailed in the coming weeks.

Learn More IASNR Conferences!


2024 IASNR Conference – Cairns, Australia


2025 IASNR Conference – Vancouver, Canada

The IASNR Conference Support Committee seeks host institutions for 2026 and beyond. Interested parties should submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to [email protected]. A full proposal will be required if selected for by the Conference Support Committee.

Updates from IASNR Committees

All of the IASNR Committees have been serving the membership and organization as a whole. Click below to read an update from our various committees. If you would like to be involved in a committee or have any suggestions, we’d love to hear from you! Please email email [email protected] to get in touch with us.

Nominations sought for IASNR Council!

In 2024, we will seek candidates for three IASNR Council positions and a Student Representative. Council members serve for three years beginning in January 2025. Student Representatives serve for two years beginning in June 2024. Please start considering nominations for candidates for the 2024 election cycle!

Society & Natural Resources Book Series – We Welcome New Book Proposals!

The Society and Natural Resources Book Series and IASNR has distribution and co-publishing agreements with the University Press of Colorado/Utah State University Press. The book series editorial board works closely with UPC/USUP to market our existing library and to promote the cultivation of new books in the broad area of society and natural resources. Available books can be seen and purchased by clicking here. The book series description is below. 

Please think about submitting a book proposal!

Society and Natural Resources Book Series includes books that examine the complexity of interrelationships among human societies, biophysical and built environments and natural resources.  We are especially interested in works that engage emergent issues and inform transformations between society and natural resources toward greater social and environmental justice, health and sustainability/resilience. The series does not privilege any particular research method, theory or discipline; it seeks submissions that build from any (or combinations) of the environmental/natural resource social sciences. Works that contribute to our understandings and actions on how global processes intersect with localities, in the South, North or through comparative case studies are encouraged.  We are particularly interested in publishing new books on the following topics:

  • climate justice
  • environmental policy and governance
  • natural resource utilization, management and decision-making
  • social and cultural change as it relates to environmental change
  • sustainability/resilience transitions
  • social-ecological systems dynamics
  • practice-informed resource management
  • institutional innovations
  • political economy/ecology perspectives on natural resource change and conflict

For further information or to inquire about submission of a book proposal, please contact:

Rachael Levay, Acquisitions Editor, University Press of Colorado & Utah State University Press

(720) 406-8849, ext. 807, toll-free (855) 777-6113, ext. 807

About Us

The International Association of Society and Natural Resources (IASNR) provides unique professional development, publishing, and conferencing opportunities to students, scientists, and managers from around the world working at the interface between society and the environment. Our professional development work focuses on students and professionals with active Facebook and Twitter accounts that help you keep on top of current events, opportunities, issues, and publications. Our activities also include webinars, mentoring, and networking events.

We publish the journal Society & Natural Resources (SNR) through publisher Taylor & Francis. Our Society and Natural Resources Book Series and Press publishes books through our University Press of Colorado consortium. The annual IASNR Conference, (previously known as ISSRM),  moves around the world linking students, managers, and scientists through research and practice.

Most of IASNR’s operating budget comes from membership fees.  You can support IASNR to continue to provide and expand IASNR activities by  renewing your IASNR membership for 2024, even if you don’t plan on attending the conference.  You can also help us by recruiting new members. We are eager to expand our membership of scholars and practitioners working in the public, private, and non-profit sectors . Who do you know who might enjoy IASNR?  Thank you in advance for renewing!

Association Membership

It’s time to purchase or renew your IASNR membership for 2024! To so many of us, IASNR has been our professional “home” that allows us to connect with colleagues from all over the world whose work focuses on the relationships between society and natural resources. Our connections with each other also help sustain us through challenging professional and personal times. We would love to see you purchase membership for 2024. Please keep in mind the following benefits of being an IASNR member and more.

  • Membership gives you access to the great journal Society & Natural Resources online and in-print.
  • The IASNR Conference in Australia in 2024 will be fantastic! Membership helps support these planning efforts and keeps you informed about opportunities to get involved.
  • The Student Affairs Committee of IASNR provides great opportunities to connect with other students around the world and gain access to helpful professional development opportunities, our mentorship program, and job postings. 
  • Discounts on books published through the SNR Book Series & Press, and opportunities to publish.
  • The Professional Development Committees of IASNR provides great opportunities for members at different stages in their career to learn from each other about research, teaching, engagement, and management practices, via webinar and other formats.
  • Working across scales and around the world, IASNR is the key to networking with others working at the intersection of society and natural resources. Given the inequities we face in times of disruption and change, natural resources and the human and non-human communities that rely on them are at the frontline of conflicts, struggles and opportunities. IASNR members research and work at these flashpoints. We need to support each other!

Your membership will ensure these opportunities are possible and that you will have access to these great resources. Click below to learn more about IASNR membership or to renew your membership.

If you have any questions about membership, contact Jessica Hill at [email protected].

An IASNR account is required to purchase or renew membership. Click here to login or create a free account.

IASNR Latest News & Updates

Stay up-to-date with with IASNR, the IASNR Conference, SNR, Student Affairs, and any Professional Development opportunities!