+ 001 (936) 337-8589

2023 IASNR Conference

Portland, Maine

June 11-15, 2023


The IASNR Conference (formerly known as ISSRM)​

The annual meeting of the International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR) is the IASNR Conference (formerly known as the ISSRM). The IASNR conference emphasizes local to global resource management issues, environmental justice, collaborative stakeholder processes, and the social impacts of natural resource management. It is also a venue for presenting cutting-edge research and engaging in productive discussions focused on the sustainable management of natural and cultural resources.

Conference Quick Links

Our Mission

The International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR) strives to be the premier international association of social scientists, policy makers, and practitioners studying and managing human relationships with the environment and natural resources. It is our mission to foster better scientific understandings of society-natural resource relationships; assist in the professional development of social scientists, policy makers, practitioners, and students from around the world studying these issues; and provide opportunities for them to meet and share their work with each other.

Commitment to Diversity & Ethics

The International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR) is committed to fostering a welcoming and vibrant community with members of all races and ethnicities, genders, religions, political affiliations, nationalities, language groups, ages, experience, education levels, and abilities. IASNR has a Code of Ethics in place to ensure mutual respect and trust for all members. The organization condemns racism, and stands with the members of our community advocating for equality and justice. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.

Conference Diversity Pledge

Our aim is to facilitate a safe and inclusive conference that welcomes all voices and encourages the free exchange of ideas and opinions. We invite participation from people of all races and ethnicities, genders, religions, political affiliations, nationalities, language groups, ages, experience, and abilities. Additionally, all conference attendees must agree and adhere to our Code of Ethics in order to attend the conference.

As organizers, we are working to provide a balanced and diverse program. You can help us build a better, more inclusive conference by forwarding our Call for Abstracts throughout your network, and by sending along your suggestions for presenters and participants that might help to diversify the conference.

Conference Gold Sponsors

Conference Silver Sponsors

Conference Bronze Sponsors

2023 IASNR Conference Chairs

Matt Carroll

Washington State University

Jessica Leahy

University of Maine

Gene Theodori

Sam Houston State University

Conference Theme: Bridging the Gap between Research & Practice – Communicating & Collaborating with Practitioners

When Don Field and Rabel Burdge started the ISSRM (now known as “IASNR Conference”) in 1986, their fundamental idea was to break down barriers between social science researchers in the natural resources/environmental area and public land managers. By that time Rabel had a long track record in the social impact assessment world and Don had created and overseen dozens and dozens of applied social science projects for the National Park Service. They were both concerned that social scientists and land managers did not understand each other very well or communicate effectively. Their aim was to build an informal culture where social scientists (including students) and managers were on a first name basis so they could talk productively about social science projects that could help managers be more effective.

Over the years our organization has done a remarkable job of building a community of applied social scientists from all over the world who work on natural resources and the environment. Many careers have been greatly enhanced by our efforts. However, we have been less effective at consistently attracting land managers (and in more recent years ever-more-important NGO folks) to our meetings. Our theme for 2023 “Bridging the Gap between Research & Practice – Communicating & Collaborating with Practitioners” is aimed at rededicating ourselves to the second half of Don and Rabel’s vision. To that end we are striving to emphasize applied research and the perspectives of “real world” resource managers and NGO representatives in our conference.

Location: Portland, Maine​

Portland is the largest city in Maine and is located on a peninsula extending into Casco Bay. The Old Port waterfront features working fishing wharves.​

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Travel & Lodging

The Holiday Inn By The Bay has been selected as the conference hotel and is only a short drive from the airport. There are other hotels and hostels within a short walk of the conference hotel.

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Field Trips

Click here to learn more about pre-conference and post-conference field trips.

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Submission, Registration, & Schedule Information

Organized Session Proposals

The call for organized session proposals closed on December 1, 2022. Please contact [email protected] is you would like to submit an Organized Session proposal.

Organized Sessions represent an opportunity to bring together a group of scholars to present and discuss work focusing on a particular integrative theme or topic. These sessions can be structured in multiple ways:

  • A collection of 3-5 thematically-linked oral presentations (with or without a discussant).
  • A panel of experts on a given topic.
  • A roundtable discussion.
    An author-meets-critics session.
  • A workshop/training activity.
  • Or, you can propose your own idea!

Panels and paper sessions will last 90 minutes. Organizer(s) should recruit and receive commitments from participants in advance of proposal submission, and include details regarding who will participate and what they will be doing as part of the session proposal. Organized sessions will be highlighted and given priority in the program.

Abstract Submissions

The call for abstract submissions closed on February 1, 2023. Decisions will be sent by February 22, 2023. Please contact [email protected] is you would like to submit an abstract for an oral session or the poster session.

We encourage submissions that are relevant to the symposium theme and those that focus on the interactions between social and ecological systems. Individuals will be limited to serving as lead presenter on only one oral paper presentation. This does not include co-authorship and individuals may present both an oral paper presentation and organize a session, present a poster, or serve on a panel.

Guidelines for Abstracts:
Abstracts should be in paragraph form, without bullet points. Additionally, the abstract body should include details regarding the background, purpose, methods, results, and conclusions. Please also indicate the theory/analytical framework for the work and provide a description of the research methods used.


Conference participants and attendees must register to attend the conference. IASNR membership is required for conference participation. The deadline for early bird registration is April 14, 2023. This is also the deadline for all presenters (oral, poster, organizers, and panel) to register. Sessions, papers, and posters will be dropped from the symposium program after April 14, 2023 if the presenter is not registered.

Registration includes food/beverages for the Welcome Reception, coffee breaks, Poster Session/Silent Auction, Conference Banquet, IASNR Business Meeting/Awards & Lunch, and Quiz Bowl.

Early Bird Registration Rate for IASNR Members*

  • $420 – Professional Member
  • $220 – World Bank Low & Middle Income Country Professional member
  • $220 – Student Member
  • $350 – Emeritus/Retired Member

Regular Registration Rate for IASNR Members*

  • $495 – Professional Member
  • $220 – World Bank Low & Middle Income Country Professional member
  • $220 – Student Member
  • $415 – Emeritus/Retired Member

*Non-member registration includes IASNR membership for the 2023 calendar year.


Click here to view the conference program including keynotes, sessions, and events.

Event Tickets & Guest Passes

Conference attendees can purchase tickets for the Student Forum, Networking Happy Hour, and Guest Pass.

Join us for the Networking Happy Hour! This is an informal networking and career-building opportunity for early career professionals. The event will take place at the conference hotel on Monday, June 12 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. Snacks and one drink will be provided. Attendees will have the option to purchase additional food and drinks.

Best Student Paper Awards – Call for Papers!

If you are a Ph.D., Master’s, or undergraduate student, you are invited to submit a paper for consideration of the “Best Student Paper Awards” given by the International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR).

The following awards will be provided for the best papers by Taylor & Francis Group LLC:

  • Best paper submitted by a Doctoral student: check for $300
  • Best paper submitted by a Master’s student: check for $200
  • Best paper submitted by an undergraduate: check for $100

Guidelines: Papers must address issues pertaining to the social sciences of natural resources.  Papers based on empirical studies and data are preferred, but review articles and thought pieces will be considered. Preference will be given to student-authored papers.

          Papers will primarily be judged on their  . . .

  • Advancement of knowledge
  • Significance of the topic for society and natural resource management
  • Quality and implementation of the research (if applicable)
  • Analysis and interpretation of the findings (if applicable)
  • Clarity and organization of the writing.

General Requirements

  • Students must be a current member of IASNR
  • Students are encouraged-but not required, to present their paper at the conference.
  • Students who choose to present at the conference will need to have their abstract submitted and accepted for the conference
  • The student submitting the abstract must be the first author of the paper.
  • The paper may be coauthored with another student, faculty member, or non-student.
  • The paper must NOT have been accepted for publication or previously published in a proceedings, book, or journal

Paper Requirements

  • Papers cannot exceed 25 pages in total including references. Papers longer than this will not be read (strictly enforced).
  • Please include an abstract (500 words or less), the author names, affiliations and contact information on the title page of the paper.
  • All pages must be double-spaced; 12-point font; and have 1inch margins on all sides.
  • The paper must follow one of the following reference types: the Chicago, American Psychological Association or American Sociological Association formatting style.

Paper Submission Procedures and Deadlines

  • The completed paper and title page must be emailed as an attachment to Dr. Jones [email protected] by Sunday, May 28 (3PM-Eastern Time Zone). Please refer questions to Dr. Jones and award recipients will be notified as soon as possible.
