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To Academia and Beyond! Career Pathways after Graduate School (USA)

Dr. Milton Newberry, III (Bucknell University)

This IASNR professional development webinar video delivers an exploration of multiple careers paths that students can pursue once they are finished with graduate school. This webinar is most relevant to USA students. Additionally, the video presents a model that displays steps such as self-exploration, skill identification, and completing professional development to collect more skills to make an individual more marketable in the job market.

The webinar is provided by Dr. Milton Newberry, III of the Center for Sustainability & the Environment at Bucknell University. Dr. Newberry is the Sustainable Technology Director who focuses on sustainability and environmental conservation and applications of sustainable technologies, DEIJ in conservation, and environmental stewardship motivations and barriers. Furthermore, he works extensively in student mentorship.

For questions, please contact Dr. Milton Newberry III at [email protected].