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Society & Natural Resources Webinar

Linda Prokopy, Purdue
Tasos Hovardas, University of Cyprus

Society & Natural Resources and the IASNR Professional Development Committee offered a complimentary webinar on April 23, 2018, titled “Publishing with and reviewing for SNR.” This webinar was co-hosted by Dr. Linda Prokopy and Dr. Tasos Hovardas, the co-Editors-in-Chief of Society and Natural Resources. This one-hour webinar covered the following topics:

  • Publishing in peer-reviewed journals as an author
  • Serving as a reviewer in peer-reviewed journals (i.e., how to conduct a high-quality review)

This webinar is a great tool for graduate students, post-docs and early-career professionals to explore publication opportunities with Society and Natural Resources, a leading journal in natural resource social science and interdisciplinary conservation science. Learning about how to serve as a reviewer of manuscripts can also be very helpful for writing.