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Networking as a Professional Skillset

Tanya Howard, Council Member (2020-2022) and Professional Development Committee Co-Chair,, NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Australia

One of the key reasons members give for joining IASNR is to increase their professional network, but networking is a skill set that doesn’t always come naturally. In this webinar you will hear from IASNR members and previous Council members Professor Zhao Ma (Purdue University USA) and Dr Azahara Mesa Jurado (El Colegio de la Frontera Sur Mexico) in discussion with Dr Tanya Howard (Chair of the IASNR Professional Development Committee) about their experience of networking for career development. They share tips on how to make use of IASNR networks and how to get started.

If you are keen to develop your professional networks, consider getting involved in the following IASNR opportunities:

  • Dedicated networking and mentorship events at the Costa Rica conference.
  • Like, follow and comment at IASNR’s social media channels (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn).
  • Consider nominating to join IASNR working groups and committees when invitations are issued.

This webinar is part of an occasional series organised by the Professional Development Committee. If you have a topic to explore or would like to nominate a speaker, please get in touch, we are always looking for suggestions.

For questions, please contact Tanya Howard.