+ 001 (936) 337-8589

Join the IASNR European Hub Distribution List!

The European Hub (EH) aims to advance the goals of IASNR and extend its reach in Europe and among colleagues working in Europe or that are of European origin. The EH welcomes colleagues with a background in either social science or natural sciences/ecology focusing on the interrelation between society and natural resources, and all those working with interdisciplinary approaches in the same domains. The EH will take initiatives to bring its members together, through e.g., scientific meetings, seminars/webinars, online and face-to-face conferences to be held in Europe, as well as organized sessions and round tables in IASNR conferences, in order to let its members share their knowledge, research perspectives, policy considerations and professional networking. Any colleague working in Europe or of European origin, who would be interested in joining such events and networks, is invited to become a member of the EH.

In this survey form, we seek your permission for your name, organisation and email address to be added to a central database, to form the basis of the IASNR EH Distribution List. Your participation in the survey and provision of personal data are voluntary. If you do not wish to participate in the survey, or if you wish to withdraw from it, you can do so without negative consequences.

Data collected in this survey will be stored on a password-protected Google Drive business account managed by IASNR. IASNR will be the direct controller of the data. Data will be shared only with Executive Committee members of the IASNR EH who will be responsible for maintaining the list of active members. The Distribution List will include an unsubscribe button, enabling you to withdraw from future communications, should you wish.