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Call for Organized Sessions and Individual Abstracts for the
2nd of IASNR at Wageningen University & Research, 20-23 March 2024

If you would like to follow the activities of the IASNR European Hub, please leave your E-Mail address on page one here: https://forms.gle/1arjpwUAMuP8aGiB7

The International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR) is an interdisciplinary professional association open to individuals who bring a variety of social science and natural science backgrounds to bear on research and application strategies pertaining to natural resource management. The European Chapter of IASNR has been operating informally for more than two years bringing together colleagues via monthly online meetings and a first conference in 2023.

The European Chapter of IASNR is now inviting colleagues across Europe to submit proposals for organized sessions and/or individual abstracts for the second conference of the European Chapter of IASNR at Wageningen University & Research, 20-23 March 2024. For more details, please see below.

The major aim of the conference is to connect researchers in Europe working on topics on the interface between society and natural resources, to exchange knowledge, to discuss ideas for collaboration, and to further develop our community. Given that this is a rather informal conference, no registration fee is required and all lunches and dinners are self-paid.

Themes of organized sessions and individual abstracts could address – but are not limited to – the following focal areas:

  • Natural resource management; watershed management; fisheries management; forest management; wildfire management; large carnivore conservation and management; protected area management; urban resource management
  • Green Deal, Biodiversity Strategy, Farm to Fork Strategy; Environmental governance; stakeholder engagement; stakeholder analysis; environmental facilitation; conflict management; alternative dispute resolution; environmental mediation; social learning
  • Outdoor recreation; nature tourism; wildlife tourism; ecotourism; carrying capacity in ecotourism destinations; visitor attitudes and behavior in ecotourism destinations; synergies between ecotourism and agriculture; tourism governance in the context of “every person’s right – right to roam”
  • Strengths and weaknesses of inter- and transdisciplinarity in the interface between natural and social sciences; epistemological and methodological issues; similarities and dissimilarities to non-European contexts
  • Policy implications of inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to natural resource management; scientific knowledge and its impact on policy decisions; stakeholder engagement and its impact on policy decisions; sustainability challenges

We offer four options for the submission:

A. Organized sessions (session abstract of max 300 words + list of included presenters & titles)

1. Classic Organized sessions (90 mins)

Classic organized sessions are collections of papers organized around a central theme. The session organizer will open the session with a brief introduction of no more than 10 min. Each session should involve four paper presentations each taking about 15 min. A discussant will then provide a critical overview for about 10 min. The session will conclude with a discussion with the audience for about 10 min. Please note that Discussants cannot be presenters in the same organized session.

2. Round table workshops (90 mins)

Round tables are collections of short presentations and/or activities around a central theme. The round table organizer will open the event with a brief introduction of no more than 10 min, potentially followed by 1-2 additional short presentations on the topic. An extended discussion/workshop will follow, which will involve interaction between presenters themselves as well as between presenters and the audience for about 45 min. A concluding round of organizer remarks will end the round table.

Note: Session organizers are responsible for identifying and inviting their session’s participants. Upon acceptance of the session, individual abstracts of session participants will be requested.


B. Individual abstracts (abstract of max 150 words)

3. Classic individual presentation (20 mins)

Individual abstracts offer the opportunity for attendees to present their research to other attendees. The presentations will be 20 min total, with 15 min for the presentation and 5 min for questions.


4. Speed talks (5 mins)

Speed talks offer the opportunity for attendees to present their existing or planned research to other attendees in a networking setting. Each presenter will have 5 min to present and is allowed to have 3 PPT slides/pictures to illustrate their presentation. While this format might be especially suitable for early career researchers, it is open to researchers in all career stages.

All submissions must be in English. Participants will not be allowed more than one oral presentation but may be listed as a co-author of several abstracts. All proposals will be reviewed by the Conference Committee.


For any inquiries please contact: [email protected]

Please use the following Google form to submit your organized sessions/individual abstract proposals by
31 December 2023: https://forms.gle/1arjpwUAMuP8aGiB7