+ 001 (936) 337-8589

Notes from the Executive Officers

Bill Stewart, Executive Director
Becky Schewe, Treasurer
Lee Cerveny, Secretary

Hello Everyone!

We are looking forward to our in-person conference this June 11-15 in Portland, Maine USA.  The registration has doubled in numbers from last year, with over 400 members registered to date.  Our in-person conferences are known for building networks and reinvigorating scholarship and connections to the IASNR community.  This year’s conference has an exciting set of activities including a welcome reception the first evening, keynote addresses each day of the conference, and a closing reception as an evening dinner cruise in Casco Bay.

Our two regional hubs – East and Southeast Asia, and European – have been active this winter with both in-person and online meetings.  The ESEA hub held two mini-conferences in December and April to showcase research. The European hub met in March for scientific discussion and to plan organizational initiatives. One of lessons-learned from the pandemic involves the benefits of online engagement. The regional hub model has made it convenient to connect online given time zone similarity for synchronous audience participation, minimal expense to participate, and sustainability benefits.  If you’d like to form an IASNR hub for your region of the world, please contact the IASNR Executive Officers or any Council member for assistance in doing so. We will host a “Hub Conversation” at the June IASNR conference to share ideas and keep the momentum going. 

IASNR has been under-going a re-branding process over the past few years to update our image and reflect an inclusive appeal.  Our conference was renamed the IASNR conference in 2020 (formerly known as ISSRM), and we just completed a process to select a new logo to represent ourselves and our scholarship.  The logo development process was conducted through a deliberate process to represent the backgrounds and characteristics of the larger IASNR community.  We will officially launch the new logo at the conference this June.  For an early preview, see the news brief on the new logo in Keeping in Touch by clicking here. 

As a final highlight, we had a competitive slate running for the three Executive Officer positions and three IASNR Council positions this year. The term for the new Executive Officers and Council Members will start in January 2024.  In the meantime, they will be invited to join Council activities to ease the transition.  The exception to term start-date is the new Student Representative Elect who will begin their term at the close of the June conference.

We hope to see you in Portland, Maine, USA next month. 

~ Bill, Becky and Lee