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Society & Natural Resources Updates for Late 2020 Keeping in Touch Issue

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SNR Co-Editors

Call for Special Issues!

Kristin Floress, Editor-in-Chief

USDA Forest Service’s Northern Research Station (2020-2023)

Emily S. Huff, Editor-in-Chief

Michigan State University (2020- 2023)

The Editors in Chief of Society and Natural Resources would like to invite scholars to submit proposals for a Special Issue. Topics of particular interest are:

  • Energy systems
  • Food systems
  • Soil
  • Air
  • Urban systems

Please submit  the following in one PDF:

  • Proposed title
  • Guest Editorial Team (2-3 people)
  • Special Issue abstract
  • Timeline (note that the timeline should end with ‘paper submission to SNR’ as the timeline from there will follow the normal journal process)

Due Date for proposals is January 1st, 2020.

Successful proposals will then be handled by the Guest Editorial Team. We will not require individual abstracts as evidence for a special issue proposal, but reserve the right to cancel any special issues that do not have sufficient interest.

SNR Expands the Editorial Board to include New Members

In September 2020 Kristin Floress and Emily S. Huff issued a call for Associate Editors. This resulted in several great new additions to the Editorial team. Please click here for a list of current Associate Editors and Editorial Board Members.

If you are interested in joining the Editorial Board or reviewing papers for SNR, please email [email protected].

Final Issues in Volume 33 of SNR

Tasos Hovardas

Tasos HovardasEditor-in-Chief

University of Cyprus (2018 – 2020)


Linda S. Prokopy, Editor-in-Chief

Purdue University (2018 – 2020)

The final two issues of Volume 33 are the last issues of Tasos Hovardas and Linda Prokopy’s tenue as Editoir-in-Chief of SNR. Volume 33(11) and 33(12) are both Special Issues. 33(11) Special Issue is now available online and is titled “Climate Change and Energy Futures – Theoretical Frameworks, Epistemological Issues, and Methodological Perspectives.” Guest Editors include Mark C. J. Stoddart, John McLevey, Vanessa Schweizer & Catherine Wong.

The final issue of Volume 33 will be published online in the first week of December 2020. This Special Issue is titled “Sustainable Groundwater Management in California: A Grand Experiment in Environmental Governance.” Guest Editors include Mark Lubell, William Blomquist & Lisa Beutler.

Please join us in thanking Tasos Hovardas and Linda Prokopy for their outstanding service and commitment to SNR.