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IASNR Committees & Their Charges for 2022

Eight Committees
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Professional Development
Conference Support
Student Affairs

Other Teams for IASNR Operations
Executive Council
Awards (sub-committee of Membership)

Guidelines for All Committees

These guidelines are strategies to achieve the following:  (1) spread the responsibilities across Council members and membership at-large so that no one person becomes overly-burdened, (2) integrate and mentor students into the organizational culture of the association, (3) enhance organizational transparency and collective knowledge, and (4) foster a sustainable, smooth-running and fair organizational culture.

  • Each committee has a chair and co-chair, with at least one of these being on IASNR Council
  • Each committee has a student member. Consult with SAC for recommendations.
  • Encourage at-large IASNR members to volunteer for committee membership. The Executive Council will work with each committee to identify members-at-large for committee service.
  • Communicate after each committee meeting with IASNR Council, post notes from the meeting on the IASNR website, and/or if relevant, post to the IASNR master calendar upcoming events including future committee meetings.
  • Each committee should develop a decision process that is transparent, understandable, and accessible to committee members.
  • Committee chairs should be prepared to report out at IASNR council quarterly meetings and to communicate news in the Keeping in Touch newsletter.
  • When appropriate, committee decision-making should be done in consultation with other committees who would be relevant to the decision context. For example, the Professional Development should engage the Finance Committee regarding decisions on prospective budget for hosting a webinar.

Purpose of each Committee

Purpose of Other Teams for IASNR Operations