Council Member Position Descriptions
The IASNR Council consists of nine professional members, and one student representative. The Council serves a broad role in supporting IASNR objectives to (1) foster the interdisciplinary social scientific understanding of the relationships between humans and natural resources; (2) further the application of social science information in natural resource decision-making; and (3) provide mechanisms whereby social scientists, resource managers, practitioners, agency personnel, and decision makers can generate dialogue and useful exchange of ideas. Council members are expected to actively engage in Council activities, including participation in Council meetings, service on Council committees, thoughtful and timely response to Council communications, attendance at ISSRM and any IASNR-supported activities at ISSRM, and infusion of new and innovative ideas in support of organization objectives. We especially encourage nominations of IASNR members from outside the U.S.
Council Professional Positions
The term of service for professional Council members is three years (based on calendar year, January – December). Council members are expected to serve on approximately two committees each year. Committees include Elections; Ethics; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Professional Development; Conference Support; Student Affairs; Publications; Membership. The entire Council has quarterly conference calls with the Executive Committee, and committees meet separately throughout the year. Nominees for professional Council positions must have been an IASNR professional member for a minimum of one year prior to the beginning of service on Council. The same individual may be re-elected for a second term, but no member may serve more than two terms without an interval of at least three years off Council.
Council Student Representative-Elect Position
The term of service for the Student Representative on Council is two years (starting in June) – serving one year as Student Representative-Elect, then transitioning the following year to serve one year as Student Representative as the primary liaison between the Council and Student Affairs Committee, for which the Student Representative and Student Representative-Elect serve as co-chairs. We strongly encourage nominees to have at least two years remaining before the completion of their graduate degree because the term encompasses a full two years. Nominees for Student Representative-Elect must have been an IASNR student member for a minimum of one year prior to the beginning of service on Council. The same individual may not be re-elected for a second term. The Student Representative and Student Representative-Elect are charged with organizing student activities (i.e. Student Forum, Quiz Bowl, Mentorship Activity, etc.) at the IASNR Conference, as well as any other initiatives that support student success.