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Society & Natural Resources Volume 37(9) is Now Available Online

The Robustness of Common-Pool Resource Governance in the Gulf of Mottama Ramsar Wetland, Myanmar under Pre- and Post-Political Crisis Conditions
Eaindra Theint Theint Thu & Carl Middleton
Pages: 1253-1272 | DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2024.2341269

Sustaining the Public’s Positive Feelings towards Ungulates at the Local Level
Maria Johansson, Sabrina Dressel, Annelie Sjölander-Lindqvist & Camilla Sandström
Pages: 1273-1293 | DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2024.2344212

Uncovering the Role and Labor of Volunteer Leaders within a Community-Led Urban Tree Planting Initiative
Elizabeth Riedman, Hamil Pearsall, Lara A. Roman, Tim Ifill, Mindy Maslin, Dana Dentice, Jehane Samaha & Asha-Lé Davis
Pages: 1294-1312 | DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2024.2349874

A Perception-Based Assessment of Buffer Zone Programs’ Contribution to Integrated Conservation and Development: Evidence from Protected Areas in Nepal
Neelam C. Poudyal, Thakur Silwal, Sweta Dixit, Ananta R. Bhandari, Ram Chandra Kandel, Shiva Raj Bhatta & Ganesh Pant
Pages: 1313-1338 | DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2024.2349889

Navigating Urban-Agricultural Watershed Management Conflicts: A View from Watershed Coordinators
Landon Yoder, Sarah Church & Kamebry Wagner
Pages: 1339-1358 | DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2024.2350055

“In my Own Land, I Am Treated like a Foreigner”: Mining-Induced Challenges and Psychological Distress Among Farmers in Ghanaian Mining Communities
Francis Annor, Sampson Annor & Inusah Abdul-Nasiru
Pages: 1359-1377 | DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2024.2355612

Understanding the Hidden Costs and Benefits of Living With Grizzly Bears in Montana
Sara Lamar, Morey Burnham, Alexander L. Metcalf, Sarah A. Ebel, Darci M. Graves & Allegra Sundstrom
Pages: 1378-1396 | DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2024.2361418

Practice-Based Knowledge
Engaged Network Tools to Close Collaborative Gaps: Uses, Limitations, and Design Principles
Harrison Fried, Matthew Hamilton, Ramiro Berardo, Kimberly Ordonez & Rohit Basu
Pages: 1397-1416 | DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2024.2361411