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IASNR Code of Ethics – Membership Vote on Revisions

The Ethics Committee has been hard at work to finalize revisions to the Code of Ethics. As a reminder, we did a major overhaul of the Code, which was adopted by IASNR membership in 2022. You can read the current adopted Code here: IASNR Code of Ethics.

Now, we will be voting on another set of revisions to the Code at the All Membership meeting on 6/26/24 in conjunction with the IASNR Conference in Cairns through an online ballot so that members who are not present at the conference can participate in the vote. The latest revision includes details on the makeup of the review panel in case of an alleged ethics violation, includes more information about confidentiality, and allows the complainee to request and interpreter and other representation.

The attached document includes yellow highlights to indicate additions/changes to the most recent ratified code with notations to provide our reasoning for the change. Please review the document prior to the vote.

Thank you,


Sarah Church and Rose Keller – IASNR Ethics Committee Co-Chairs