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Zoning for Sustainability: Advancing Sustainability of the FEW (Food, Energy, Water) Nexus

The University of Dayton Hanley Sustainability Institute is seeking a graduate student (MS) for a 12-month (up to 2 years) graduate assistantship position.

The aim of this project is to examine how cities have updated their zoning ordinances to infuse sustainability so that City of Dayton could adopt evidence based best practices to update the city’s zoning ordinances and subsequently advance city’s sustainability efforts. Making the zoning code sustainability focused is a key prerequisite for making a city sustainable. Research on how to make zoning ordinances conducive for sustainability is sparse. However, there are lessons to be gathered from cities that have already adopted innovative zoning ordinances.

The HSI Graduate Fellow would have the opportunity to do innovative cutting-edge research in urban planning and urban sustainability that could only become increasingly critical as cities try to become more sustainable. The graduate fellow would be involved in all stages of the research project from identifying potential cities/sustainability practices, to interviewing, data analysis and preparing output documents. The graduate fellow would have the opportunity to learn about some of the most innovative urban sustainability practices and would have the opportunity to interview pioneering urban planners and city administrators. The successful candidate should have a background in a field broadly related to sustainability with some knowledge on urban sustainability and/or urban planning. Familiarity with qualitative methods and data analysis skills are highly desirable. The candidate should also have excellent oral and written communication skills, attention to detail and time management skills.

Students planning to enroll in University of Dayton’s Masters of Science in Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies are eligible to apply for this 12-month fellowship. For questions and further information email Dr. Felix Fernando ([email protected]).

Weblink: https://udayton.edu/artssciences/ctr/hsi/developing-leaders/graduate-fellowship-program.php