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Postdoc Opportunity with Maine Sea Grant at the University of Maine

Maine Sea Grant is hiring a Postdoctoral Research Associate with qualitative social science expertise and an interest in team science to work with our Marine Debris Challenge project, Reducing Marine Debris at the Source: Material Replacement and Source Reduction for Single Use Food Packaging.

Here is the posting: https://umaine.hiretouch.com/job-details?jobID=83006&job=postdoctoral-research-associate-marine-debris-challenge

The key objectives of the project are 1) to advance efforts to slow resource loops through developing reusable alternatives to single-use plastic products; 2) to advance processes and develop products to replace single-use plastics with biodegradable materials from forests and oceans; and 3) to develop stakeholder-informed processes to provide industry and consumer input into the research, design, and trials of reusable and naturally derived alternatives to common sources of marine debris in the Gulf of Maine. Public consumer and industry acceptance of these novel solutions, life cycle analysis, and technical-economic analysis of the processes will be conducted. The goal is to lower the barriers for companies to enter the sustainable packaging market, and understand processes that might slow resource loops to reduce the inflow of plastics to the ocean.