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European Chapter of IASNR – Inaugural in-person Meeting


Rationale and objective of the inaugural in-person meeting of the European Chapter of IASNR in Berlin, 8-10 March 2023 

The European Chapter of IASNR has been operating informally for more than one year bringing together colleagues via monthly online meetings. We have received the official recognition by the IASNR council in November 2022 and our main aim will be to support an inclusive community of practice of academics, researchers and managers working on the interface between natural and social sciences in Europe.

The European Chapter of IASNR is organizing an inaugural in-person meeting on 8-10 March in Berlin. We plan a two-day conference, socializing events, and field trip to reunite, meet new people, exchange knowledge, discuss ideas for collaboration, and further develop our community.

The two-day conference in Berlin will consist of organized sessions or round tables concentrated on interdisciplinary themes and policy issues. We will also have a business meeting for discussing the main aims of the European Chapter of IASNR and the main challenges for its future operation, building on an open-ended interaction between all participants.