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Tenure-Track Faculty Position in the Management and/or Governance of Land, Energy, or Water at Indiana University O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs

The Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University-Bloomington invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position focusing on the governance of land, energy, or water as part of an interdisciplinary cluster in these areas. We seek a dynamic social scientist whose work in these areas addresses public or nonprofit entities and welcome a diverse range of theoretical approaches from fields of Public Management, Nonprofit Management, Political Science, Sociology, Geography, Law, and other related fields. Examples of topical areas in management or governance include collaboration, adaptation, regulatory reforms, civil society organizing, nonprofit advocacy, and environmental justice, among others. Finally, we welcome diverse methodological approaches including, but not limited to, inferential statistics, qualitative analysis, machine learning, behavioral and experimental methods, or mixed methods. Applicants are expected to develop a nationally competitive program of research, including external funding and a record of successful teaching and mentoring of students. Click here for more information.